Sunday, January 27, 2013


I enjoy, relish, delight in the complexities of the bittersweet. Hence, I enjoy the fruit of the vine, eating black licorice and dark chocolate-covered cranberries. I let myself cry today in pain and dance in joy. The love-hate of every part of life, the fact that we can experience the gamut of emotions in a split second and laugh through tears or understand and smile at the ironic in life…It’s beautiful and terrible, like the blanket of winter snow that only comes when everything is sleeping and looks dead or the tombstones of a cemetery solemnly calling attention to the lives and memories of real people.

I like resolution, since I’m a minister of reconciliation and I myself have been reconciled. Unfortunately, I over-apply this principle just like students who learn the existence of the comma, and decide, to punctuate, every sentence, as much as possible, with commas, for emphasis, or for no reason, at all. Sometimes I overanalyze and find problems that aren’t really a big deal or don’t really exist like I think they do so I can fix them—yay! Or, not so much. 
If I weren’t so concerned with being right or what everyone thinks of me, I might not be in this predicament or sticking my foot in my mouth quite as often. As it stands, I frequently battle internally before going into any social setting (or being alone at home) as to why this might happen and what can be done about it and how the best way is to act and interact, and I too often try to help others see the same. Don’t get me wrong (haha, being right again,) I do think this can be helpful—I can get where people are coming from, interpret, confront in love, see complexities, etc. It’s just that sometimes it’s nosey, sometimes it’s kind of fake, even though I’m just trying to contextualize and over-contextualize every.single.thing.

Ooh, the seeds I’ve sown; I’m takin’ the hard way home.

Pondering the body of Christ—challenged to realize that there is absolutely no competition (dang it!). No condemnation either. How strange that we think in terms of winners and losers, scales and measures instead of truth and lies or in dreams and possibilities and reality. What if I actually approached everyone as though I were for them (our battle isn’t against flesh and blood…). If only we understood that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosever believes in him will not perish, but will have everlasting life.  ‘Cause, truth is, we’re all dead and living in our imaginary castles and very real shackles. None of us is immune from suffering; none is exempt from momentary pleasures. This does not mean we are all the same and overlook differences and there is no right and wrong; no, we are all wrong. There is no right apart from Christ, but within him, there is ultimate freedom!

Oh, the masks we wear. They become so much a part of us that we can’t even separate ourselves or figure out what it is we need to surrender (except that the answer is everything). I have such a hard time being real, even though people would accuse me of being very genuine. True. I value honesty and am open about my flaws and give thanks no matter what and seek the perspective of my sovereign Lord in everything. I’m being transformed. However, I still tinge my faith with my own flavors of goodness and desire to fit in and be the best. All the while, I am fully aware—more so each day—that I and everyone around me struggle and fall and fail all the time, and that’s ok, that’s the power of the cross overcoming each time we move past those places. So, even with all this reality swirling around, I hide. I try so hard to let myself feel, but when the tears come, if someone sees them, heaven forbid, I shut off the sadness, reverting back to happy is good, sad is bad. Wrong. I know that we are no strangers to suffering in this life and we follow a savior who redeemed us through suffering—he sweat blood in the solemnity of what was to come; he cried over the loss of his friend; he celebrated with sinners. I don’t want to settle for a controlled, balanced life. I don’t want to live out of control or as a “free-spirit” either, because I am not my own. That’s what I desire my life to evidence—the altogether loveliness and sufficiency of my Jesus.

The Word. He’s got the whole world in His hands : )

I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to be right. I don’t have to be understood. I don’t have a right to be accepted. I don’t deserve to be liked and listened to and catered to. I don’t have to be pursued. I don’t have to be successful. I don’t have to prove my intelligence or talents. I don’t have to be ashamed of my mistakes. I can sing if that’s appropriate. I don’t need to fear people’s approval or rejection or being bad at something. I don’t have a right to think I am better or better-off than any individual or group of people. I don’t have pressure to know all the answers. I don’t have to look any certain way to be more fully me or more beautiful. I don’t have to say all the right things or be funny or wise or sweet or gentle or in tune to everyone and everything. I don’t have to notice and remember everything. I don’t have to keep up with pop culture or sports or everyone’s life—even mine.
I do have to follow my Lord wherever he leads.

The pathway is broken, and the signs are unclear, and I don’t know the reason why you brought me here, but just because you love me the way that you do, I’m gonna walk through the valley if you want me to. It may not be the way I would have chosen when you lead me through a world that’s not my home, but you never said it would be easy. You only said we’d never walk alone.
Refined by fire. Precious metal.

Looking at the divine wedding…what a mystery—The Spirit presides as God the Father presents us to his son, who is in Him from before the creation of the world, in whom we live and move and have our being; he presents us as one as his glorious, unblemished bride, all because of what he did in love for us, and we enter into the divine romance and dance not because we are qualified and know the steps, and yet yes, we do, we were bought, washed, cleansed, dressed anew. We are readying ourselves, bride. And now, as a single woman, convinced of the love of my beloved, Jesus, I prepare for my wedding and my marriage to my beloved. Everyday learning I belong to another and that includes giving of myself to others .

Correction shy and pain avoider. Drama queen. Skittish. Self-righteous b%$@#. Yes. Sometimes. Other times, a dismal rag-tag, sopping wet, crying puppy. Potentially, a dancer continually moving and rejoicing.

Right now, awash with relief, excitement, uncertainty, sorrow, frustration, pain, anger, confusion, thankfulness, awe, joy, and love like grief.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The wrestling heart


Now, I don't love struggle, but I'm an addict to resolution and growth, so I love/hate the failure and conflict and struggle--much like broomball, perhaps (A former field-hockey player described broomball as the most frustrating game invented, but really fun and addicting.)

I'm prone to getting 'preachy,' to Bible bashing the sleeping church and I get emotional over the truth of the gospel--the real thing, not even touchy-feely this a gift or something I should be wary of? 
Same struggle knowing that I've always loved words and knowing that I know a lot but realizing every moment how much I don't know...

Not knowing where I stand completely on the Jesus Culture movement (wary, actually), I do enjoy singing praise to the Lord and proclaiming the truth that I do see. There are elements of worship music that are a bit disturbing if it ends up focusing back on me all of the time, but even so, I am constantly amazed by the intimacy of the God of the universe--the display of the Glory of the Father come to dwell as Immanuel; that the Holy Spirit indwells and transforms us, that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ can offer eternal life that starts the moment we believe on His name--that we confess with our tongues, our hearts, our lives that He is Saviour and Lord. This is a life-long process, no doubt, but we know and rely on the love God has for us. We fix our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith who suffered and we suffer with him, he began it--in the beginning God created...He'll complete it... He who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine, according to His power at work... The saints have, do and will overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony... Amen. All of this blows me away--'You won't relent until you have it all--my heart is yours.' 
Is it? Do I believe that His are the words of life? That drinking in the Holy Scriptures is more desirable than anything this world has to offer? That real communion with Him is where I find life and joy? That I have hope and fulfillment because I've been rescued and redeemed and reconciled to God in Christ? That He holds the words of Truth? That I don't actually have any good thing apart from Him? That anything I have or do is all because of Him and to his glory?
I am ashamed to say I don't always live like that. I am a hypocrite above all. I perpetuate those American Christian stereotypes as much as they make me sick. I back stab and two-time. I bless and curse out of the same  mouth. I try to drink in poison and chug living water. I daily walk through the mud and rejoice over so many lesser things. I struggle with judgement and criticism and cynicism. I shackle myself back to fear and insecurity. I envy and covet. I give in to the hopelessness of the world and wonder if justice really will reign. I think I'm worse than everyone but better than everyone else. I want everyone to think well of me and want me, but I am fully aware that there is no desirable trait about me. I know my weaknesses and annoying characteristics and despise them, too. Mostly, I am sad to say I place myself and other things above my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ all too often. The great I AM is a jealous God and He doesn't let me run for long, but I give glory to such mediocre things or withhold it from the creator of the universe?! How do I manage? What is this constant battle within? How does good truly win? 

As a Hosanna prayer, not a demanding request:
You are good. Show yourself good.
You are gracious. Shower your grace.
You love mercy and justice. Reign.
You are love. Fill us to overflowing.
You are righteous. Transform our lives.
You define beauty and are infinitely beautiful. Open our eyes to see the wonders.
You are glorious. Take the glory.
You are all knowing and sovereign. Give us wisdom and courage to walk in obedience.
You listen to your humble servants. Humble us and respond to our cries.
You are God; there is no other. Reveal yourself.
Transform us, we pray. This very day. 
We'll sing a new song and enjoy you forever.

Yahweh, Jesus Messiah, You have my writhing heart.
Linnea Michelle