Sunday, August 21, 2011

Theme of the week: running…blind?

“The LORD alone led him.” Deut. 32:12

Reflecting on lessons of hospitality, generosity, trust, joy, and the fruit of the Spirit from the lives of those who have gone before. The deep, real faith of Noah, who looked beyond the storm that hadn’t even come. The simple trust of George Mueller, whose eye was “not on the dense fog but on the living God, who controls every circumstance of my life.” And so it goes.
The rains truly do come daily, so it’s expected, although unexpected. Sunshine brightens and warms, too.

Downs and ups every day just like our descents and climbs from “home” [Swedish House way up the hill] to town or school. I have made that half-hour walk down with my eyes closed, trusting a friend to lead me; we also did the steep/uneven part today with my friend on my back. I have traipsed up and down singing, praying, skipping, trudging, rain, sun etc. How much of the path do we ever really see? What is it to trust, to run in the path of God’s commands, for he has set our hearts free? To run with perseverance the race marked out for us? To fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God…? Every tribe tongue and nation…?

Still praying eyes to see.

Last week this time I was finishing up getting muddied and having a blast playing ultimate Frisbee down on the field. The Lamberts’ kindly still welcomed me into their home—we just love spending time there with that lovely family!
This past week has been full! Yes, we’ve had lulls and torrents, but song, laughter, strain, work and play filled the moments between. Independence Day was Monday; we looked so Indian. ; ) That afternoon Emily, Sarah and I hiked to Dolphin’s Nose, where we were not ashamed to act as ridiculous tourists hiking from who-knows-where. If I can upload the video, I shall share a bit with you.

So, then, a 4-day school week at Ganga campus working with different students, planning for field trip week, doing research and substituting for eighth grade from time to time. Excited and nervous to begin taking class this coming week.
Sarah and I begged and snuck in a little thank-you by singing “For Good” for the staff recital on Friday. That song always brings to mind many wonderful people in my life to whom I may or may not ever be able to aptly thank.

Yesterday, a hike down to the plains via Rattail Falls with some of the high school students. It was absolutely beautiful, I promise. (And, it was fitting, seeing as how we’ve been battling an intruder—most probably a rat—this week in our apartment!) We rode part of the way through the coconut farms on top of the bus on the way back. Quite different from my Saturdays in high school. : ] We arrived back bedraggled and quite a mess, and people gave us quite curious looks when we stopped by the grocery store on our way home.

Also had a blast reminiscent of camp counseling in chaperoning middle school activity last night. It was volleyball-basketball-ridiculous-dancing-birthday-party-esque.

This morning we were able to go to church at the chapel and enjoy a relaxing afternoon. Midori and I took our weekly walk down the budge failing in attempts to find football cleats but successful in visiting our tailor friend, Gamesh, and taking in the usual market madness. Now we look forward to dinner with a family that we very much enjoy here.

May your cup overflow,

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