Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jesus musings from the down days

Do I know why I’m here? Not fully yet.
For we are God’s workmanship.
Created in Christ Jesus.
To do good works.
Which GOD prepared beforehand.
That we would walk in them.
Were dead
Used to live like that
Follow different
Still there –Not just you—everyone giving in-ick
Wrath. Condemned.
His great love for us
God—rich in mercy
Alive in Christ while dead!
Grace                                                                                    Raised!
Coming—incomparable riches of grace
Shown in kindness                                                                                                          Through Jesus
Grace saved—faith—gift—nothing we’ve done—nothing to brag about! Because (beginning)
Eph. 2
What’s the value if no one knows you or loves you or hears you?
God does, but is that just a cop-out? Or is it the depth of truth? How does it then overflow into how I listen to my Lord and other people?
Jealousy starts pull at you; envy unravels your beautiful exterior
Pride will bring you boasting to a cliff before gleefully pushing you to your defeat.
Bitterness’ taste lingers terrible on your tongue and kills like poison
Anger burns you to a crisp leaving little behind
Anxiety will eat away at you slowly then consume you
Fear will chase you and burry you alive
Courage will embolden you and strengthen you
Truth will fight for you victoriously
Comfort will soothe your aches and pains
Compassion will adorn you as the finest jewels
Love will heal and fill to overflowing what were the most vacant and empty spaces
Grace will shower you as the spring rain waters the earth
Perseverance will produce grit—hope that comes like strengthened muscles rather than torn hands. Like feet calloused by walking a challenging, joyous, rode to wisdom.
Confidence will be your goal and great reward like a crown that you immediately bestow on another or a wedding ring over which you can’t stop gushing.
. . .

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