Friday, October 21, 2011

I apologize for not writing sooner.
Today I feel like I'm coming alive again, just as the earth continues to spin so the sun comes up anew each morning with His new mercies. I was quite excited to awaken with the sunshine today! Of course, it rained in the afternoon--the dragonflies have gone and monsoon round two has begun. "When the drops start dropping...."
Still, I was quite out and off for a couple of weeks, and I will post from those dark days soon. ; )
I'm hoping to get on top of things more or less and not let my departure catch me off guard next month!

A couple of headlines for the week:
No school due to local elections Monday. Days and nights of blaring music and speeches coming from the backs of trucks are over and firecrackers are in order. Still, it will all only increase as Divali arrives soon!
Doctor visits icrease in frecuency.
My friends, the lovely nurses in the dispensary tell me it is always a busy place, and I added to the numbers in finally submitting myself, per tattling by my friend, Sarah. Over-diagnosed and given diet and anti-biotics. How much will I listen? Not sure. Thanks to my pharmacist friend for your consultation--so proud of you!
Teaching lessons lessens
It's a bit awkard to hand over the classroom as I am starting to see all of the thins I could/should implement. I'm still teaching, but part-time again, and now the work load is just as heavy, only different! Being sick definitely set me back. :(
The kid are still a challenge and a joy.
Die, Rat, Die!
This could be heard coming from my mouth after a period of glass-shattering (no, that's the middle school boys who break our windows, not me) screeching. Didn't know I was such a screamer. The rat is back. This time it moved Sarah's soap into the bedroom and enjoyed a feast of rat poison in my drawer and left his mark. As I searched through my clothes, it scurried out and over my foot on its way into our living room! By the time we collected ourselves and tried to hunt him down with a shower curtain rod and a bucket, he had disappeared. Don't come back. Ever. (The middle-school boys were amused, though I think as their football game was interrupted outside.)
We're playing Basketball
I'm sure I'll talk more about this later, but I'm off for our second game in the tournament now. Well, first a welcome dinner for all of the teams. We're hosting a sort of tournament, and our girls played the other KIS team this morning and squeaked out a victory after a rugby-style battle. Ready for more?!
Love coaching, but it's rough being white.

Because of His great love, we are not consumed. His compassions never fail; they are new every morning. Great is Thy Faithfulness!

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